
Monday, March 30, 2015

Easter Theme Week!

It's spring time! ...time for another giveaway and theme week!

This week it is all about spring flowers, fresh colors and things that make me giggle!

Here are the rules...


-The contest will start with my first posting on Monday, March 30th through my last posting on April 3rd at 9:00pm CST.
-You must "like" my facebook page in order to win.
-Each day I will post several hats throughout the day.  Every day there will be a new "Question of the Day".  Answer the question within the posts and your name will get put into a hat (a literal hat) for a drawing.  
-If you don't have an answer for the question of the day or already answered it on a previous post, you can comment on the post or share the post (you are not required to share the post, but I love  it when you do!).
 -You can answer/comment as often as you like on each post but your name will only be entered once for each post (so, you have a potential for getting your name in the hat several times a day depending on how many hats I post that day). 
-You have until 9:00pm CST each day to post your answer or comments.  At that time I will be    putting your names in the hat...literally...I'll sit down and write your name on a piece of paper    and stick it in the hat!
-The drawing will be held on Saturday, April 4th when I get up.  The winners will be posted on Facebook.  Winners are responsible for contacting me via Facebook message to get the details.
-The prize is:
               -$30.00 to use in my Etsy shop
               This amount is not refundable; can only be used in my Etsy shop;
               CAN be transferred to a friend or loved one ; must be used by April 30, 2015; 
               not good on custom orders.
-If you have won in the can win again!  The slate is wiped clean!
Good luck!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Frodo..the end

At the end of the journey and at the end of the tale, Frodo boards the ship to Grey Havens.
As Frodo explains to Sam...they set out to save the Shire and they did...but not for him.

In the "back" of Frodo's mind the Shire will always be.  So naturally, I put the Shire in the back of the hat and his waist coat in the front.  A tuft of green silk under the Shire represents his green cloak.

And then Sam cries, and then I cry.  Gandalf says, "I will not say, do not weep, for all tears are not an evil."

Sigh...the end.

This concludes our The Lord of the Rings hats.  Winner announced tomorrow!

Question of the day (it is different from this  morning's question):

New Question of the day for the last 2 hats!:
What are the scenes from the movie or moments from the book that made you cry?

Me?  When Aragorn bows to the Hobbits...sniff...I'm tearing up now!  And, pretty much whenever Sam cried.  I love him (no Sam hat but he is my favorite character).

This hat is not in my shop.


-The contest will start with my first posting on Monday, March 9th through my last posting on March 13th at 9:00pm CST.
-You must "like" my facebook page in order to win.
-Each day I will post 3 or 4 hats throughout the day.  Every day there will be a new "Question of the Day".  Answer the question within the posts and your name will get put into a hat (a literal hat) for a drawing.  
       -If you don't have an answer for the question of the day or already answered it on a previous post,          you can comment on the post or share the post (you are not required to share the post, but I love          it when you do!). 
        -You can answer/comment as often as you like on each post but your name will only be entered once for each post (so, you have a potential for getting your name in the hat 3-4 times a day depending on how many hats I post that day). 
       -You have until 9:00pm CST each day to post your answer or comments.  At that time I will be            putting your names in the hat...literally...I'll sit down and write your name on a piece of paper               and stick it in the hat!
-The drawing will be held on Saturday, March 14th when I get up.  The winners will be posted on Facebook.  Winners are responsible for contacting me via Facebook message to get the details.
-The prizes are:
               -$30.00 to use in my Etsy shop
               -$20.00 to use in my Etsy shop
               -$10.00 to use in my Etsy shop
               These amounts are not refundable; can only be used in my Etsy shop;
               CAN be transferred to a friend or loved one ; must be used by April 15, 1015; 
               not good on custom orders.
-If you have won in the can win again!  The slate is wiped clean!


"I give hope to men. I keep none for myself."

Golly!  He's the guy!

I chose to make Aragorn's hat in his "cleanest" form.  He was always so filthy, but somehow not in a bad way.

New Question of the day for the last 2 hats!:
What are the scenes from the movie or moments from the book that made you cry?

Me?  When Aragorn bows to the Hobbits...sniff...I'm tearing up now!  And, pretty much whenever Sam cried.  I love him (no Sam hat but he is my favorite character).

Click here to see this hat in my Etsy shop.

Once you read the rules below, head back to my Facebook page and answer the question of the day!


-The contest will start with my first posting on Monday, March 9th through my last posting on March 13th at 9:00pm CST.
-You must "like" my facebook page in order to win.
-Each day I will post 3 or 4 hats throughout the day.  Every day there will be a new "Question of the Day".  Answer the question within the posts and your name will get put into a hat (a literal hat) for a drawing.  
       -If you don't have an answer for the question of the day or already answered it on a previous post,          you can comment on the post or share the post (you are not required to share the post, but I love          it when you do!). 
        -You can answer/comment as often as you like on each post but your name will only be entered once for each post (so, you have a potential for getting your name in the hat 3-4 times a day depending on how many hats I post that day). 
       -You have until 9:00pm CST each day to post your answer or comments.  At that time I will be            putting your names in the hat...literally...I'll sit down and write your name on a piece of paper               and stick it in the hat!
-The drawing will be held on Saturday, March 14th when I get up.  The winners will be posted on Facebook.  Winners are responsible for contacting me via Facebook message to get the details.
-The prizes are:
               -$30.00 to use in my Etsy shop
               -$20.00 to use in my Etsy shop
               -$10.00 to use in my Etsy shop
               These amounts are not refundable; can only be used in my Etsy shop;
               CAN be transferred to a friend or loved one ; must be used by April 15, 1015; 
               not good on custom orders.
-If you have won in the can win again!  The slate is wiped clean!


Eowyn...our heroin.

Victor and slayer of  the nasty Witch King of Angmar, Lord of the Nazgul...and his icky Nazgul.
She is the poster girl for bravery.  Afraid and scared but does it save her uncle and the people that she loves.  

Question of the day (Friday...last day!):
What is one (or more) of your favorite lines form the movies.  A line that you actually repeat in your everyday speech.  Not necessarily a line...maybe a word like "elvensies" or "taters". 

This is in my top favorite hats of all time.  I love the drapping and the whole look.  I think it looks just like her!  I used a low profile medium base (because of her shorter petite stature) and wrapped it in regal emerald green (the bottom is a vintage crushed velvet...probably from Middle Earth, I'm sure) drapped it in "chainmail"  attaching it with shield like metal medallions.  A sword and royal looking "scepter" pierce the front of the hat.  For the sash...a leather belt.

Once you read the rules below, head back to my Facebook page and answer the question of the day!


-The contest will start with my first posting on Monday, March 9th through my last posting on March 13th at 9:00pm CST.
-You must "like" my facebook page in order to win.
-Each day I will post 3 or 4 hats throughout the day.  Every day there will be a new "Question of the Day".  Answer the question within the posts and your name will get put into a hat (a literal hat) for a drawing.  
       -If you don't have an answer for the question of the day or already answered it on a previous post,          you can comment on the post or share the post (you are not required to share the post, but I love          it when you do!). 
        -You can answer/comment as often as you like on each post but your name will only be entered once for each post (so, you have a potential for getting your name in the hat 3-4 times a day depending on how many hats I post that day). 
       -You have until 9:00pm CST each day to post your answer or comments.  At that time I will be            putting your names in the hat...literally...I'll sit down and write your name on a piece of paper               and stick it in the hat!
-The drawing will be held on Saturday, March 14th when I get up.  The winners will be posted on Facebook.  Winners are responsible for contacting me via Facebook message to get the details.
-The prizes are:
               -$30.00 to use in my Etsy shop
               -$20.00 to use in my Etsy shop
               -$10.00 to use in my Etsy shop
               These amounts are not refundable; can only be used in my Etsy shop;
               CAN be transferred to a friend or loved one ; must be used by April 15, 1015; 
               not good on custom orders.
-If you have won in the can win again!  The slate is wiped clean!

Gandalf the White and Shadow Fax

When Gandalf whistles and Shadow Fax comes running across the field, my heart beautiful!  He had a small roll to play but so memorable.

"Run Shadow Fax. Show us the meaning of haste."  Gosh, I think that's one of the best lines in the whole series!

I use it often.

Question of the day (Friday...last day!):
What is one (or more) of your favorite lines form the movies.  A line that you actually repeat in your everyday speech.  Not necessarily a line...maybe a word like "elvensies" or "taters".

Click here to see this hat in my Etsy shop.

I used off white and all white items for Gandalf's hat.  Off white linen and trim with a white celtic braided "belt"  Fluffy feathers I have flow with the slightest of breeze from behind Shadow Fax.  This horse can move!

Once you read the rules below, head back to my Facebook page and answer the question of the day!

-The contest will start with my first posting on Monday, March 9th through my last posting on March 13th at 9:00pm CST.
-You must "like" my facebook page in order to win.
-Each day I will post 3 or 4 hats throughout the day.  Every day there will be a new "Question of the Day".  Answer the question within the posts and your name will get put into a hat (a literal hat) for a drawing.  
       -If you don't have an answer for the question of the day or already answered it on a previous post,          you can comment on the post or share the post (you are not required to share the post, but I love          it when you do!). 
        -You can answer/comment as often as you like on each post but your name will only be entered once for each post (so, you have a potential for getting your name in the hat 3-4 times a day depending on how many hats I post that day). 
       -You have until 9:00pm CST each day to post your answer or comments.  At that time I will be            putting your names in the hat...literally...I'll sit down and write your name on a piece of paper               and stick it in the hat!
-The drawing will be held on Saturday, March 14th when I get up.  The winners will be posted on Facebook.  Winners are responsible for contacting me via Facebook message to get the details.
-The prizes are:
               -$30.00 to use in my Etsy shop
               -$20.00 to use in my Etsy shop
               -$10.00 to use in my Etsy shop
               These amounts are not refundable; can only be used in my Etsy shop;
               CAN be transferred to a friend or loved one ; must be used by April 15, 1015; 
               not good on custom orders.
-If you have won in the can win again!  The slate is wiped clean!

Thursday, March 12, 2015


Shelob...giant scary spider that will eat you.  Not cool...well...maybe a little cool!

Question of the day (Thursday):
If you could visit any place within Middle Earth, where would it be?

Rivendell for me!  

Black faux skin (of some sort) for the base with several shiny organza purrs surround the hat (mimicking the inside of the mountain cave...but prettier).  A shining light of  the light of Eärendil’s star...well a little light bulb that you can turn on and off!  You may need it when all other lights go out.

 Once you read the rules below, head back to my Facebook page and answer the question of the day!


-The contest will start with my first posting on Monday, March 9th through my last posting on March 13th at 9:00pm CST.
-You must "like" my facebook page in order to win.
-Each day I will post 3 or 4 hats throughout the day.  Every day there will be a new "Question of the Day".  Answer the question within the posts and your name will get put into a hat (a literal hat) for a drawing.  
       -If you don't have an answer for the question of the day or already answered it on a previous post,          you can comment on the post or share the post (you are not required to share the post, but I love          it when you do!). 
        -You can answer/comment as often as you like on each post but your name will only be entered once for each post (so, you have a potential for getting your name in the hat 3-4 times a day depending on how many hats I post that day). 
       -You have until 9:00pm CST each day to post your answer or comments.  At that time I will be            putting your names in the hat...literally...I'll sit down and write your name on a piece of paper               and stick it in the hat!
-The drawing will be held on Saturday, March 14th when I get up.  The winners will be posted on Facebook.  Winners are responsible for contacting me via Facebook message to get the details.
-The prizes are:
               -$30.00 to use in my Etsy shop
               -$20.00 to use in my Etsy shop
               -$10.00 to use in my Etsy shop
               These amounts are not refundable; can only be used in my Etsy shop;
               CAN be transferred to a friend or loved one ; must be used by April 15, 1015; 
               not good on custom orders.
-If you have won in the can win again!  The slate is wiped clean!


"Hrum, now, well, I am an Ent or that's what they call me.  Yes, Ent is the word.  The Ent, Iam, you might say, in your manner of speaking.  Fangorn is my name according to some.  treebeard others make it.  Treebeard will do."

I love him...

This hat is not for sale as it is extremely heavy and the moss flakes off...a lot!

It is going in my Hat Cabinet!

Question of the day (Thursday):
If you could visit any place within Middle Earth, where would it be?

Rivendell for me!

 Once you read the rules below, head back to my Facebook page and answer the question of the day!


-The contest will start with my first posting on Monday, March 9th through my last posting on March 13th at 9:00pm CST.
-You must "like" my facebook page in order to win.
-Each day I will post 3 or 4 hats throughout the day.  Every day there will be a new "Question of the Day".  Answer the question within the posts and your name will get put into a hat (a literal hat) for a drawing.  
       -If you don't have an answer for the question of the day or already answered it on a previous post,          you can comment on the post or share the post (you are not required to share the post, but I love          it when you do!). 
        -You can answer/comment as often as you like on each post but your name will only be entered once for each post (so, you have a potential for getting your name in the hat 3-4 times a day depending on how many hats I post that day). 
       -You have until 9:00pm CST each day to post your answer or comments.  At that time I will be            putting your names in the hat...literally...I'll sit down and write your name on a piece of paper               and stick it in the hat!
-The drawing will be held on Saturday, March 14th when I get up.  The winners will be posted on Facebook.  Winners are responsible for contacting me via Facebook message to get the details.
-The prizes are:
               -$30.00 to use in my Etsy shop
               -$20.00 to use in my Etsy shop
               -$10.00 to use in my Etsy shop
               These amounts are not refundable; can only be used in my Etsy shop;
               CAN be transferred to a friend or loved one ; must be used by April 15, 1015; 
               not good on custom orders.
-If you have won in the can win again!  The slate is wiped clean!


The worst of the worst of the Orc breed...

These guys are pretty darn scary.  I'm not someone who digs scary stuff...usually.  Somehow my psyche made an exception here as I totally love the Orcs.  I cannot fathom why.

The base on this hat is a pleathor of some sort of creatures grey!  I had my daughter paint her hand and grab the hat...oh my!  Zombie teeth from my Halloween stash made their perfect debut as gnashing Uruk hai teeth...nasty!  The feathers...well, I love those feathers and they can either be beautiful or menacing or in this case, both. They move with the slightest breeze threatening to mesmerize you or poke you in the!

See it here in my Etsy shop!

Question of the day (Thursday):
If you could visit any place within Middle Earth, where would it be?

Rivendell for me!

 Once you read the rules below, head back to my Facebook page and answer the question of the day!


-The contest will start with my first posting on Monday, March 9th through my last posting on March 13th at 9:00pm CST.
-You must "like" my facebook page in order to win.
-Each day I will post 3 or 4 hats throughout the day.  Every day there will be a new "Question of the Day".  Answer the question within the posts and your name will get put into a hat (a literal hat) for a drawing.  
       -If you don't have an answer for the question of the day or already answered it on a previous post,          you can comment on the post or share the post (you are not required to share the post, but I love          it when you do!). 
        -You can answer/comment as often as you like on each post but your name will only be entered once for each post (so, you have a potential for getting your name in the hat 3-4 times a day depending on how many hats I post that day). 
       -You have until 9:00pm CST each day to post your answer or comments.  At that time I will be            putting your names in the hat...literally...I'll sit down and write your name on a piece of paper               and stick it in the hat!
-The drawing will be held on Saturday, March 14th when I get up.  The winners will be posted on Facebook.  Winners are responsible for contacting me via Facebook message to get the details.
-The prizes are:
               -$30.00 to use in my Etsy shop
               -$20.00 to use in my Etsy shop
               -$10.00 to use in my Etsy shop
               These amounts are not refundable; can only be used in my Etsy shop;
               CAN be transferred to a friend or loved one ; must be used by April 15, 1015; 
               not good on custom orders.
-If you have won in the can win again!  The slate is wiped clean!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Galadriel...the Lady of the Wood (among other things)

The most inspirational line in the whole movie!

In question for the last part of Wednesday!
What do you think is the most inspiration line or inspirational part of all of the movies or book?

I do think, "Even the smallest person can change the course of the future" is indeed "it" for me.  I say it often.

My inspiration is clear in my Lady hat.  Glitter encrusted lace overlay on satin in pure white with silver threads.  A drape of white chiffon with a mini train in the back...just a little one.  A mini garden on the side half surrounds the hat and a light (yes and actual light) to illuminate dark places.  It had to light up...she glows.

 Click here to see the hat in my Etsy shop.

Once you read the rules below, head back to my Facebook page and answer the question of the day!


-The contest will start with my first posting on Monday, March 9th through my last posting on March 13th at 9:00pm CST.
-You must "like" my facebook page in order to win.
-Each day I will post 3 or 4 hats throughout the day.  Every day there will be a new "Question of the Day".  Answer the question within the posts and your name will get put into a hat (a literal hat) for a drawing.  
       -If you don't have an answer for the question of the day or already answered it on a previous post,          you can comment on the post or share the post (you are not required to share the post, but I love          it when you do!). 
        -You can answer/comment as often as you like on each post but your name will only be entered once for each post (so, you have a potential for getting your name in the hat 3-4 times a day depending on how many hats I post that day). 
       -You have until 9:00pm CST each day to post your answer or comments.  At that time I will be            putting your names in the hat...literally...I'll sit down and write your name on a piece of paper               and stick it in the hat!
-The drawing will be held on Saturday, March 14th when I get up.  The winners will be posted on Facebook.  Winners are responsible for contacting me via Facebook message to get the details.
-The prizes are:
               -$30.00 to use in my Etsy shop
               -$20.00 to use in my Etsy shop
               -$10.00 to use in my Etsy shop
               These amounts are not refundable; can only be used in my Etsy shop;
               CAN be transferred to a friend or loved one ; must be used by April 15, 1015; 
               not good on custom orders.
-If you have won in the can win again!  The slate is wiped clean!