
Sunday, March 8, 2015


Every so often I get the urge to create something new.  I get stuck on using the same techniques and the same sort of materials to make my hats.  I like to challenge myself with no one's expectations but my own.  My "fans" helped me decide how to spread my wings with Lord of the Rings as my muse!

I'm so excited about this group of hats!  Some of them I will never make again.  Some of them I can't sell because they are not wearable and will fall apart...they were still worth making though!  I always get new ideas and get to stretch my brain when I dive into a theme week! gives me a subject to write about here and on Facebook!  After posting on Facebook I will have more photos here on my blog of the hats.  Again, some hats won't be for sale in my Etsy shop so if you want to see more photos come to my blog.

My fans benefit too!  Besides snapping up a hat you might like, this week is a great time to participate on Facebook with comments and answering the question of the day!  I love reading what you are thinking and your ideas.  You are all so creative yourself!  I get the impression that my fans like something to comment on!

There's a contest too!  Here are the rules:


-The contest will start with my first posting on Monday, March 9th through my last posting on March 13th at 9:00pm CST.
-You must "like" my facebook page in order to win.
-Each day I will post 3 or 4 hats throughout the day.  Every day there will be a new "Question of the Day".  Answer the question within the posts and your name will get put into a hat (a literal hat) for a drawing.  
       -If you don't have an answer for the question of the day or already answered it on a previous post,          you can comment on the post or share the post (you are not required to share the post, but I love          it when you do!). 
        -You can answer/comment as often as you like on each post but your name will only be entered once for each post (so, you have a potential for getting your name in the hat 3-4 times a day depending on how many hats I post that day). 
       -You have until 9:00pm CST each day to post your answer or comments.  At that time I will be            putting your names in the hat...literally...I'll sit down and write your name on a piece of paper               and stick it in the hat!
-The drawing will be held on Saturday, March 14th when I get up.  The winners will be posted on Facebook.  Winners are responsible for contacting me via Facebook message to get the details.
-The prizes are:
               -$30.00 to use in my Etsy shop
               -$20.00 to use in my Etsy shop
               -$10.00 to use in my Etsy shop
               These amounts are not refundable; can only be used in my Etsy shop;
               CAN be transferred to a friend or loved one ; must be used by April 15, 1015; 
               not good on custom orders.
-If you have won in the can win again!  The slate is wiped clean!

I think that's it!  If you need clarification or I spelled something wrong please post something here or contact me via Facebook messaging.

I'm so excited!!!!!

Chiki Bird

1 comment:

  1. So excited to see the hats! Love LOTR! Ever consider selling the fragile ones as decor only?
